Thursday, May 19, 2011

Canadian West Poster Blog

The Historical Context of Posters

Thousands of settlers came to Canada hearing about the free land that would be given to them. How did they find out that they would get free land? The thousands of people found this out by millions of pamphlets, newspaper ads, public lectures, and free trips to promoters who would encourage settlers to come to Canada. These flyers were called The Last Best West posters. These posters showed the very fertile side of Canada but never showed the cold harsh winters that Canada really had. All these factors ended up bringing thousands and thousands of people to Canada in search of the good life. One of the posters that people would see in the news paper.

Poster Elements

In this poster they use a number of things that help Canada Look better to settlers then it really is. Some of these things are the colour, symbols, images, slogans, and textual information. Each one of these helped settles decide to move to Canada. 

Colour: in this poster the colours help make Canada look a lot better then it is. The Grain is all gold showing that the land produces great profits. The Title is red to show Canadian colours.  I think they also use blue so that the land doesn't look to dry.  

Symbols: the grain shows that the land is fertile and very good for farming, the large farm makes it look like the land is super large and bountiful of resources.

Images: the land shows the people who look at it that it is full of profit that they can make.

slogans: it shows how much the land is producing and that if others can do it so can you.

textual information: this shows that the advertisement is realistic and isn't fake.

 These things all add up together to a great amount of settlers. All these things make Canada look like an amazing place to go for a new start and a good start. These advertisements made Canada look like a fertile and rich land that would bring you wealth if you went there. This made thousands of people decide that they would indeed move to Canada.

False Advertising

This advertisement was good advertisement but it also tricked people into believing that the land were they were moving was easy land to live on, which was not true at all because Canada has one of the harshest winters in the world. People should be able to know what they are going into, 

My Poster

Red: I used to red to represent the colour of Canada,
Gold: the gold in the fields is to try show that Canada will bring you wealth if you move their
blue sky: i used a blue sky to show that Canada has good weather and to make it seem like a warmer area than it realy is.

I used the words: free land, a new start, endless possibilities in my slogan. I said this cause it tells the people that there is tones of oppurtunity in Canada with endless results, this would help attract people to the area. also adding that theirs free land, makes it bring alot more people for the fact that everyone loves free things.

I used a barn and a large farm area because it shows people that you can build a house and a life in the West. the farm land is full of grain that shows that people that the land is prosperous and can bring them great harvests and planty of money.

The title makes it seem that its the best land out their. It also makes it sound like it is the last possible chance for them to do this, because it says its the last best west.